How much does it cost to setup an LLC in Texas?

How much does it cost to set up an LLC in Texas?

An LLC is a limited liability company similar to a private limited company that can be established in the United States.  LLC is a hybrid type of an entity that has characteristics of a corporation and also has pass-through taxation similar to partnerships and sole proprietors.

LLC can be organized in any of the states within the US. The document that is used to file with the state is called as the articles of organization. Internal document relating to the operations of the LLC is called the ‘operating agreement’. The owners of the LLC are called as the members. Members have issued a membership certificate.

If you are a single member LLC, you file as a sole proprietor Schedule C. If you have multiple members, you will be required to file a partnership tax return. The LLC can also elect to be registered as an S Corporation or a C Corporation.

LLCs have become very popular business form. They offer greater protection for the assets of the member as compared to an unregistered sole proprietor business.

A Professional Limited Liability Company is a (PLLC) that is organized for the purposes of providing professional services. Professions that require services like doctors, architects, attorneys etc require the formation of an LLC. All the PLLC members should be members practicing in the same profession.



The cost to setup LLC in Texas is $300.


Below are few important resources


Step by step guide to setting up your LLC in Texas, refer this link:

To register your LLC, there are few name availability related rules that you should be aware of- check out the link below :

Apply for Employer identification number with the IRS :

List of  business structures as per Texas Secretary of State