10 Smart Ways to use your Tax Refunds

10 Smart Ways to use your Tax Refunds


Are you expecting a big tax refund this tax season? Before spending all of it, here are 10 smart ways to make the best use of your Tax Refunds.

  1. Pay down your debt: Every penny counts.  Whether you have a student loan or home loan, it is a smart move paying down your debt.
  2. Contribute to an Individual retirement account
  3. Contribute to a health savings account
  4. Invest in yourself: Learn a new skill or improve your existing skills that may be relevant to your occupation. Investing in yourself may be one of the best choices you can make.
  5. Donate to charity: Nothing is more fulfilling than sharing some of your wealth with the less fortunate. Plan to set aside a small % to charity.
  6. Plan for an emergency fund: Three to six months of income should be set aside for emergency fund. Contribute part of your tax refunds towards an emergency fund.
  7. Contribute to 529 plans: If you have children, you can set aside a portion of the tax refunds towards their 529 plans
  8. Save for your home down payment: If you are planning to buy a home, you can save part of your tax refund towards the down payment.
  9. Buy an energy efficient appliance: It may help you save energy costs in the long run.
  10. Save for your next vacation or next big expense
Posted in Tax