401 K 2018 Tax Tips

401 K is one of the most popular retirement savings option available for employees. Using a 401 K plan can help speed up building your retirement nest egg. In order to take advantage of this program, it is best to review your contributions before the end of the financial year and rebalance it if you have undercontributed.

For 2018, the 401 K Tax limits are $18,500

Here are few tax tips 

  1. Max out your 401k contributions $18,500.
  2. If you are over 50, you can contribute another $6,000 adding up to $24,500.
  3. If your employer offers to match a certain % eg: 50% match up to 6% max, then try to contribute at least 6% to take benefit of the employer matches. Therefore, if your salary is $60,000 a 6% match will get an employer contribution of $1,800.
  4. Over contributed to a 401k plan: Contact your employer’s 401k plan administrator to adjust the contributions.